Monday, June 30, 2008

On the Outs with Best Week Ever

I've been a loyal reader of the Best Week blog for a long time, but it may be time for us to part company. I'm getting way too tired of the constant gushing over a certain CG-Animated film (and let my cynicism slip out on the site), posts over people's reactions to losing get comments where they are just made fun of, and even the "funny" posts just aren't cutting it.

I've not been a fan of computer-animated films because I prefer actual animation. I also prefer my movies to use real voice-actors instead of celebrities because I want to see a good story and not hear the same voice that I could've heard in a live-action movie that I'd rather not see. These movies may be good. This most recent movie may actually be good (I won't know until it comes on cable), but don't insult my intelligence by saying that sometimes a movie that is given gushing praise isn't part of a hype machine but is just great. You're grown; watch movies meant for your age-group already.

I can't help it. I'm a cartoon snob who prefers to see movies with good plots and not to "ooh" and "ahh" over the graphics. If I want to look at something worth staring at, I can go back home to the Cleveland Museum of Art and look at all of the pieces I want...and do it for free.

I'm not in the mood to argue, so I refuse to see what hellatious responses I got for my comment, but I think it's time I find another sandbox to play in.

Au revoir, Best Week I will take you off of my list once I know the separation will be permanent.

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