Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Small Victory Against Protestors

The Cincinnati courts just upheld a state law which says that protesters at funerals need to stay at least 300 feet away. This means that the nuts from the Westboro Baptist Church can't be as obnoxious as they want to be during funerals.

I'm glad the ruling was upheld, but I'm bothered that there would be anyone out there who thinks that protesting the deaths of soldiers as God's way of punishing the U.S. for being tolerant of gays is a good idea. It's tacky, tasteless, and fails to get their agenda (which I do not support) across. I think God has better things to do than kill people to make a completely unrelated point. Besides, I don't think killing those in an intolerant system such as our military (Don't ask, don't tell, anyone?) for the country being tolerant makes any sense. Then again, I think too much. I should just be glad that protesters are forced to show some respect for the dead by court order.


theminx said...

"I think God has better things to do than kill people to make a completely unrelated point." See - your problem is that you're too damn logical. But to the crazy, there is no logic, and all points are related.

The protesters will stay 300 feet away, and use bigger bullhorns.

SailorAlphaCentauri said...

I know...I always think too much. And I'm pissed off that these people are going to be protesting Stephanie Tubbs Jones' memorial service today. I can't believe that there are people who think that it's better to get attention than to do things that make sense or have a damn point.